The First Lesson

New Drivers Offer: First 2 hour manual lesson is only £84, and free high quality online Theory Test Training.

 If you've never ever driven before this is the perfect start to your driving journey, from the first turn of the wheel to passing your test.

First lesson of 2 hours. Includes the controls, using clutch and gears, how to move off and stop safely and simple junctions. You will be driving on this first lesson.  

Also includes free online Theory Test training.

To book get in touch today call or text your name, postcode and a brief outline of any driving experience to 07971 322567

Already Had Lessons Before : This 2 hour manual lesson with driving assessment is only £84, and free high quality online Theory Test Training.

If you've had a few lessons a while ago or if you're thinking of changing instructors this is the perfect choice. 

Not feeling happy? 

Feel you're not progressing much? 

Instructor who shouts? 

Think you will never pass?

Just feel your instructor is not giving 100%?

This 2 hour lesson is all you will need to see why you would be better of changing to Pass With Andrew Driving School. 

Also includes free online Theory Test training.  

To book get in touch today call or text your name, postcode and a brief outline of any previous driving experience, lessons or tests, to 07971 322567

Already Taken A Test Before And Have A Test Booked In Days Or A Few Weeks: A 1 hour 'Life-Line' lesson with driving assessment, review and advice, and estimate of instruction hours required, is only £50.

If you've failed a test, and now booked another one at short notice, and are at or very nearly at test standard and your old instructor is not available this is for you. Or you may have a licence gained in another country, been driving here for 12 months and now need to take the U.K. test and booked a test but now need a few lessons. 

Further lessons include familiarisation with test route 'tricky spots' and test passing advice.

Please Note. Pupils must agree to take the number of lessons I recommend to be taken to test in my car because I will not risk my good reputation with the examiners by presenting candidates who are not at test standard. 'Life-Line' lessons are £50 per hour.

Please Note. This is not for pupils who have been advised by their current instructor to cancel or postpone a test because they are not yet ready for the driving test. In this case please respect your instructors professional advice.

To book get in touch today call or text your name, postcode and a brief outline of your driving experience and test date to 07971 322567

      Cancellation of Lessons.
      If you wish to cancel a lesson, for any reason, a minimum of 48 hours notice must be given. If you do not give 48 hours notice, this will result in the lesson still having to be paid in full.
      This is because less than 48 hours notice is too short a time to find someone else to teach in the lesson timeslot.
      This is my livelihood, my job which provides my living wage to pay my household bills, bills which still need to be paid, even when a lesson is cancelled.  Lessons can be cancelled by telephone or text message  but must be acknowledged by your instructor.